Lessons Learned
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Day 3, only 77 to Go
1. Driving without shoes is very liberating! Until you slow down too fast and one of your shoes flies beneath your gas pedal and you can't leave the intersection because you can not reach your shoe to get it out. This did not happen to me, but as I was driving without my shoes on this morning and relishing in the freedom, I had the scary thought of "What if?" I promptly pulled my shoes out from under my seat and placed them in the passenger floorboard. Ahhhh sweet freedom again!
2. Metal files and graters are illegal to use in a salon. If you are getting a pedicure and your lady pulls out one of these it is a huge red flag. That and numerous other things that will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up because you have probably seen it done and didn't realize it is either unsanitary or it is illegal or it is both. Like pedicure "thrones" should be disinfected for at least 15 minutes between clients. If you watch and notice the prior client leave and you are asked to sit there and it hasn't been 15 minutes, you should leave immeadiately. Also your manicurist should be using new nail files, and buffers. It is illegal for them to use the same file or buffer on more than one person. These things are porous and can not be disinfected. I won't be doing manicures or pedicures but this subject came up today and I thought I would pass the info along.
3. I am looking forward to extractions! What are extractions you ask! Let me enlighten you! That is when you have a pore that is clogged ( a.k.a. pimple, zit, crater, blackhead ) and your Esthetician (me!) uses a special tool called an extractor to remove whatever may be clogging that pore. I am looking forward to it!
4. When you don't have enough hands and you place your travel mug inside your purse without first making sure it is empty you will inevitably lean over and it will spill. If you are like me you will be more worried about what got on your clothes than what may or may not have gone INSIDE your purse. (In fact I didn't even think about it!) When you get home you will go about your business, eating dinner and such chatting with the family and eventually an hour and a half after you spilled unnamed beverage (Chai Tea) you will pull your books out of your purse (it's a big purse) and notice that one book now has that beverage wetting the top of each cover and every page. Crap! Again, if you are like me you will then begin to wipe each page and pull them apart. You WILL contemplating just buying a new book even though it's only the edges and hasn't actually ruined anything vital because darn it, who wants a crummy looking book on the 4th day of school? You will then (if you are like me) get a question from your near teenager-dom daughter telling you just to get another book, to which you reply, "These books are like 50 dollars, I don't need to buy another one." This will make you curious as to the exact price of the book and you WILL go find your receipt. After reading the actual price of just over $100.00 you WILL get out your hairdryer and begin drying each and every page. Yes all 400 something pages, you will dry them. If you are anything like me that is.
5. A 2 year old can make a grown woman cry when she cries EVERY morning when you leave. That same 2 year old can make that same grown woman wail like a tiny baby getting vaccinations when she grabs your earring and twists it with her pudgy little fingers and iron grip and is staring at you like you have lost your mind when you begin to wail. Yes this did happen and not only did I wail, I now have a headache. This didn't happen at school but a few minutes ago.
6. I run in to people. It is a flaw I have. I don't know why. Yes I do. It is because I can not see out of the peripheral vision of my left eye which happens to be where the the president of the school was at when I ran SMACK in to him. Yeah, the president. He looked annoyed, I was embarassed and my classmate had a field day laughing at me from down the hall. Note to self, when walking down small hallways LOOK IN FRONT OF YOU!!! This is common sense for most people, but especially important for me.
2. Metal files and graters are illegal to use in a salon. If you are getting a pedicure and your lady pulls out one of these it is a huge red flag. That and numerous other things that will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up because you have probably seen it done and didn't realize it is either unsanitary or it is illegal or it is both. Like pedicure "thrones" should be disinfected for at least 15 minutes between clients. If you watch and notice the prior client leave and you are asked to sit there and it hasn't been 15 minutes, you should leave immeadiately. Also your manicurist should be using new nail files, and buffers. It is illegal for them to use the same file or buffer on more than one person. These things are porous and can not be disinfected. I won't be doing manicures or pedicures but this subject came up today and I thought I would pass the info along.
3. I am looking forward to extractions! What are extractions you ask! Let me enlighten you! That is when you have a pore that is clogged ( a.k.a. pimple, zit, crater, blackhead ) and your Esthetician (me!) uses a special tool called an extractor to remove whatever may be clogging that pore. I am looking forward to it!
4. When you don't have enough hands and you place your travel mug inside your purse without first making sure it is empty you will inevitably lean over and it will spill. If you are like me you will be more worried about what got on your clothes than what may or may not have gone INSIDE your purse. (In fact I didn't even think about it!) When you get home you will go about your business, eating dinner and such chatting with the family and eventually an hour and a half after you spilled unnamed beverage (Chai Tea) you will pull your books out of your purse (it's a big purse) and notice that one book now has that beverage wetting the top of each cover and every page. Crap! Again, if you are like me you will then begin to wipe each page and pull them apart. You WILL contemplating just buying a new book even though it's only the edges and hasn't actually ruined anything vital because darn it, who wants a crummy looking book on the 4th day of school? You will then (if you are like me) get a question from your near teenager-dom daughter telling you just to get another book, to which you reply, "These books are like 50 dollars, I don't need to buy another one." This will make you curious as to the exact price of the book and you WILL go find your receipt. After reading the actual price of just over $100.00 you WILL get out your hairdryer and begin drying each and every page. Yes all 400 something pages, you will dry them. If you are anything like me that is.
5. A 2 year old can make a grown woman cry when she cries EVERY morning when you leave. That same 2 year old can make that same grown woman wail like a tiny baby getting vaccinations when she grabs your earring and twists it with her pudgy little fingers and iron grip and is staring at you like you have lost your mind when you begin to wail. Yes this did happen and not only did I wail, I now have a headache. This didn't happen at school but a few minutes ago.
6. I run in to people. It is a flaw I have. I don't know why. Yes I do. It is because I can not see out of the peripheral vision of my left eye which happens to be where the the president of the school was at when I ran SMACK in to him. Yeah, the president. He looked annoyed, I was embarassed and my classmate had a field day laughing at me from down the hall. Note to self, when walking down small hallways LOOK IN FRONT OF YOU!!! This is common sense for most people, but especially important for me.
posted by Amanda at 7:57 PM

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