Lessons Learned
Monday, June 1, 2009
Just Another Manic Monday
Did you break out into song? Well sing along with me!
"Just another Manic Monday. (Oh yes it was!)
Wish it were Sunday. (Yesterday was pretty nice huh?)
Cuz' that's my fun day. (Church is always fun!)
My, I-don't-have-to-run day. (Okay now that's not true.)
Just another Manic Monday." (You would not believe.)
(Side Note: Don't go search for those lyrics like I just did! You will remain happy in your little world of believing 80's songs are innocent and not about sex at all, oh no, not 80's songs! Like me you only know the chorus and well it's a catchy tune so how bad can it be? Like I said, DON"T SEARCH!)
It was a Manic Monday. I started with a rush to get the kids out the door on time, didn't quite make it!, guilt induced run to WalMart, girl-time with my friend, swinging in the hammock and eating cherries with my little girls while my big girl took her riding lesson, raced home before the boys got off the bus, didn't quite make it!, made my cake-pops, top-raman for dinner (dad's at work so who cares if it's healthy or in this case even edible?), then met some new neighbors outside (not new to the neighborhood, new to me) while our kids played with water baloons and their kids in the street, got the kids ready for and in bed, now I am blogging and then I will go study for tomorrow's test, but not in my bed because that brought me to lesson number 5.
Moving on!
Here are my lessons learned for Manic Mom-day (which is what I will now call Monday, forever.)
"forever just because this is the day that never ends. . . it just goes on and on my friend. . . some people started. . . "
I'm sure in a singing mood tonight aren't I? I digress! On to the life lessons!
1. Don't ever, ever, ever, ever, ever forget your son's 8th birthday. Or any birthday for that matter. For me this morning it was especially important to remember not to forget his 8th birthday because today was Sam's 8th birthday. We had his party Saturday, did all the presents and pretty much had a whole day of birthday activities so when this morning rolled around it seemed like just another
"Manic Monday, oooooh woooo oooooh."
Sorry! Couldn't help that! Anyway my neighbor took him and Anabelle to school because they were running behind and missed the bus and she happened to see me in dire need of help because I had a two year old SCREAMING "No I want my pants off" as I was trying to put her in the car. And my neighbor was leaving anyways. Thanks Lisa! You were a God Send this morning! Anyway I came inside to start cleaning the house for my girl time with Colleen later in the morning and I was smacked right in the face by the bad mommy guilt when I realized it was his birthday and I had forgotten to tell him Happy Birthday. I ran upstairs woke up Brittnie (home schooled almost 13 yr.old) and told her to watch Morgan. And I flew to Wal-Mart bought guilt treats for Sam's whole class and a cool singing card to:
"Celebrate good times come on! Let's Celebrate and have a good time!"
Okay that's what the card was singing! Anyway when I got to the school and saw Sam it was then that he realized he had forgotten his birthday too. So guilt subsided (just a tinge! I still feel horrible) and I left knowing he knows I love him! Biggest lesson to learn here: when you have 4 siblings and a mom who just started school and your birthday falls on a Monday, you better wake up shouting fro the rooftops it's your birthday otherwise your mom will feel horribly guilty and will buy you and ALL your friends pudding cups and you'll get one of those singing cards that she always rolls her eyes at every time she see them because they are way to expensive for her to ever buy. And I begin to wonder if somehow he knew????
2. Cake-pops are fun! For more info on that visit http://bakerella.blogspot.com/2008/04/make-your-cupcakes-pop.html
I made these tonight for Sam for his birthday. They are made from 3 of the 4 food groups: cake, frosting, and chocolate. And you put them on a cute little lollipop stick. What could be better? I did not mold these in to cupcake shapes I just dipped the balls in chocolate. Still scrumptious!
3. Girl-time = good-time. For the past couple of months I have been getting together with a friend or two on Tuesday mornings. Now that school has started for me we have to switch to Monday's. It was fun! This morning we went for a walk and then had mini-bagels with cream cheese (The bagels were brown sugar with cinnamon! Yum yum!) and sipped Chai-Tea! It was a great morning with great conversation! Definitely needed in the midst of a manic Mom-day.
4. My girls are the sweetest! Here is a pic of the 2 youngest on the hammock at a friends house this afternoon.

And Brittnie today with the horse she rides:

5. Don't study in bed. Unless you are a princess and there is a pea in your bed, it is not a good idea to study in your bed. I got my book bag and headed upstairs last night; made sure all was taken care of so I didn't have to get out of bed, including jammies on and teeth brushed. Wouldn't you know it, I got all snug in to bed ready to study and I had forgotten my books downstairs. I had the bag, but no books. (Please don't ask me how I got up there with the bag and no books. There is no excuse, except I am not very observant and that is a whole other blog entirely :D) I was tired and my bed so comfy that I fell asleep before I could decide if I should go all the way downstairs and get my books. Apparently this princess did not have a pea in her bed! I then went to sleep and dreamt of blogging. Hmmmmmm wonder why? Could it be that I browsed the internet all afternoon Sunday reading cool blogs? Anyway here are some of my favorites I found:
http://romephotoblog.blogspot.com/ (Anyone been to Rome? Only in my dreams!)
http://www.mycharmingkids.net/ ( A real life mom! Just like the rest of us!)
http://bakerella.blogspot.com/ (Of Course cake, frosting and chocolate!)
http://d6scotts.blogspot.com/ (First Blog I began to Follow, A real mom with a fun Blog)
one more!
http://fivemomsandablog.blogspot.com/ (5 Real Moms and they all blog, together! Fun)
Goodnight from the Manic Mom on her Manic Mom-day!
And a big Happy Birthday to my wonderful Sam!
"Just another Manic Monday. (Oh yes it was!)
Wish it were Sunday. (Yesterday was pretty nice huh?)
Cuz' that's my fun day. (Church is always fun!)
My, I-don't-have-to-run day. (Okay now that's not true.)
Just another Manic Monday." (You would not believe.)
(Side Note: Don't go search for those lyrics like I just did! You will remain happy in your little world of believing 80's songs are innocent and not about sex at all, oh no, not 80's songs! Like me you only know the chorus and well it's a catchy tune so how bad can it be? Like I said, DON"T SEARCH!)
It was a Manic Monday. I started with a rush to get the kids out the door on time, didn't quite make it!, guilt induced run to WalMart, girl-time with my friend, swinging in the hammock and eating cherries with my little girls while my big girl took her riding lesson, raced home before the boys got off the bus, didn't quite make it!, made my cake-pops, top-raman for dinner (dad's at work so who cares if it's healthy or in this case even edible?), then met some new neighbors outside (not new to the neighborhood, new to me) while our kids played with water baloons and their kids in the street, got the kids ready for and in bed, now I am blogging and then I will go study for tomorrow's test, but not in my bed because that brought me to lesson number 5.
Moving on!
Here are my lessons learned for Manic Mom-day (which is what I will now call Monday, forever.)
"forever just because this is the day that never ends. . . it just goes on and on my friend. . . some people started. . . "
I'm sure in a singing mood tonight aren't I? I digress! On to the life lessons!
1. Don't ever, ever, ever, ever, ever forget your son's 8th birthday. Or any birthday for that matter. For me this morning it was especially important to remember not to forget his 8th birthday because today was Sam's 8th birthday. We had his party Saturday, did all the presents and pretty much had a whole day of birthday activities so when this morning rolled around it seemed like just another
"Manic Monday, oooooh woooo oooooh."
Sorry! Couldn't help that! Anyway my neighbor took him and Anabelle to school because they were running behind and missed the bus and she happened to see me in dire need of help because I had a two year old SCREAMING "No I want my pants off" as I was trying to put her in the car. And my neighbor was leaving anyways. Thanks Lisa! You were a God Send this morning! Anyway I came inside to start cleaning the house for my girl time with Colleen later in the morning and I was smacked right in the face by the bad mommy guilt when I realized it was his birthday and I had forgotten to tell him Happy Birthday. I ran upstairs woke up Brittnie (home schooled almost 13 yr.old) and told her to watch Morgan. And I flew to Wal-Mart bought guilt treats for Sam's whole class and a cool singing card to:
"Celebrate good times come on! Let's Celebrate and have a good time!"
Okay that's what the card was singing! Anyway when I got to the school and saw Sam it was then that he realized he had forgotten his birthday too. So guilt subsided (just a tinge! I still feel horrible) and I left knowing he knows I love him! Biggest lesson to learn here: when you have 4 siblings and a mom who just started school and your birthday falls on a Monday, you better wake up shouting fro the rooftops it's your birthday otherwise your mom will feel horribly guilty and will buy you and ALL your friends pudding cups and you'll get one of those singing cards that she always rolls her eyes at every time she see them because they are way to expensive for her to ever buy. And I begin to wonder if somehow he knew????
2. Cake-pops are fun! For more info on that visit http://bakerella.blogspot.com/2008/04/make-your-cupcakes-pop.html
I made these tonight for Sam for his birthday. They are made from 3 of the 4 food groups: cake, frosting, and chocolate. And you put them on a cute little lollipop stick. What could be better? I did not mold these in to cupcake shapes I just dipped the balls in chocolate. Still scrumptious!
3. Girl-time = good-time. For the past couple of months I have been getting together with a friend or two on Tuesday mornings. Now that school has started for me we have to switch to Monday's. It was fun! This morning we went for a walk and then had mini-bagels with cream cheese (The bagels were brown sugar with cinnamon! Yum yum!) and sipped Chai-Tea! It was a great morning with great conversation! Definitely needed in the midst of a manic Mom-day.
4. My girls are the sweetest! Here is a pic of the 2 youngest on the hammock at a friends house this afternoon.

And Brittnie today with the horse she rides:

5. Don't study in bed. Unless you are a princess and there is a pea in your bed, it is not a good idea to study in your bed. I got my book bag and headed upstairs last night; made sure all was taken care of so I didn't have to get out of bed, including jammies on and teeth brushed. Wouldn't you know it, I got all snug in to bed ready to study and I had forgotten my books downstairs. I had the bag, but no books. (Please don't ask me how I got up there with the bag and no books. There is no excuse, except I am not very observant and that is a whole other blog entirely :D) I was tired and my bed so comfy that I fell asleep before I could decide if I should go all the way downstairs and get my books. Apparently this princess did not have a pea in her bed! I then went to sleep and dreamt of blogging. Hmmmmmm wonder why? Could it be that I browsed the internet all afternoon Sunday reading cool blogs? Anyway here are some of my favorites I found:
http://romephotoblog.blogspot.com/ (Anyone been to Rome? Only in my dreams!)
http://www.mycharmingkids.net/ ( A real life mom! Just like the rest of us!)
http://bakerella.blogspot.com/ (Of Course cake, frosting and chocolate!)
http://d6scotts.blogspot.com/ (First Blog I began to Follow, A real mom with a fun Blog)
one more!
http://fivemomsandablog.blogspot.com/ (5 Real Moms and they all blog, together! Fun)
Goodnight from the Manic Mom on her Manic Mom-day!
And a big Happy Birthday to my wonderful Sam!

posted by Amanda at 9:40 PM

Welcome to the blogging world! How fun to read your blog. I'll be praying for you as you have a busy schedule and live life to the fullest! =)
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