Lessons Learned
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Lessons from Waxing Wednesday
See yesterday's post for lack of humor disclosure:P! Also note, that I am not editing for grammar or spelling because I am way too tired! So please be nice!
1. Kids are precious and it's sad when they are sick. Morgan (2) was sick last night. Poor baby! She couldn't keep anything down and I was so sad to see her feeling that way. Gave me a little glimpse of how God saw me yesterday morning. Sick and in need of him to hold me and make me feel better. I'm sad my baby was sick, but revel in the love of my God.
2. People like me! Either that or they see my loud mouth personality as beneficial, or they don't really feel like being the opinionated one. Whatever the reason they nominated me to be on the student council. The goal of student council is to give the staff input about what the students are feeling and thinking about things that happen at the school. It's not really a gripe session, it's more of a suggestion box, with real people. I hope on my day in the suggestion box that everyone wears deoderant because that will be some tight quarters! Seriously though I am so excited about it! I actually get to put my opinionated self to some good use!
3. Waxing hurts! But not too bad. A little sting when they first rip all your hairs out at the roots. But after you pick your self up off the floor and dig your nails out of your esthetician (me), you're good! Really! It does sting a little, but if I can learn the "happy hand" then I think I will have some happy clients. I'm not so sure my partner today was doing the happy hand. I think I more went numb from the stinging. You can see in this picture how terrible it was for me! Neil did a great job and now my arms are hair free! Neil didn't fair so well! We ran out of time to finish. I came close, but the poor guy had to head home with baby bottom feeling arms and gorilla looking hands! I'm sure he knew this would happen when he signed up!
4. Not everyone follows instructions. Thus the arm waxing. I really didn't care wether or not I ever had my arms waxed, but I haven't shaved legs or underarms since last week, per teacher instructions, in order to be prepared for leg waxing, which I am looking forward to! (You know I just signed up for this school so I could have smooth legs, be tanned, get a slimming body wrap, have clear skin, and perfect make-up right? Hee Hee Hee!) So you are probably grossed out now by my admission of hairiness! It is what it is, no pain, no gain! Anyway, we would have done legs today, but a couple girls couldn't make it a whole week without shaving so the teacher said "Well, let's do underarms then. Raise your hand if you didn't shave your underarms." I inched my little hand up because I feared poking my neighbor in the eye with my underarm hairs. Unforunately I still have hair under my arms tonight because not everyone could raise their hands. Darn it! So we went for the arms!
5. I am tired! SO I am heading for bed! Goodnight!
posted by Amanda at 9:43 PM

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