Lessons Learned
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Thursday, Week 2 Day 3
1. It feels good to do good on a test! I got a 96 on my test! I was so happy! The subject was Hair Removal. You are thinking, "How could that be tough?" Well there was 100 questions and it was tough! Questions about hair removal methods such as: threading, sugaring, electrolysis, and lasering. I am now a hair removal genius!
2. Time to put my knowledge to practice! And boy did I ever get practice. Imagine old ethel from down the street. It's her birthday and her hubs thought he'd get her a mighty fine gift. He got her the gift of hair removal. A full leg wax from you! Yay Ethel! Not so yay you. Well Ethel didn't really get a free leg wax from her hubs, and I didn't get to wax Ethel, but I sure pretended it was Ethel when I was waxing the legs of a rather large man who has never waxed his legs before. He is my classmate and because he is quite the smart guy he did me (himself) the favor of trimming the hairs on his legs last night. Thanks guy, I bet you're thanking yourself too! Anywho, long story short I know that after that, I can wax ANYBODY. Seriously!
3. Sunflower seeds keep you awake! 35 minutes seems like forever when you are tired and driving home. I made it though.

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