Lessons Learned
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Life Change
On Feb. 12 Dan and I went to San Francisco for my appointment with the Retina Specialist. This has been a long journey to try to find out what is happening with my eyes but by the time we walked out of there I knew my life was changing. At the request of the Dr. I am only driving once a week now, to church. Dr. said not to drive at night at all and only during the day if I have to, and to me church is a have to. So my driving restrictions have forced me to come home to work. This is the new experience and new challenge I speak of.
One of my instructors in school worked from her home and really enjoyed it. I'm so excited and can't wait for my facial bed to arrive so I can really get down to business! Now for the challenging part!!! Maintaining my home in such a way that I can invite clients into my home and not be scared they will call the health code enforcement guys on me because I have a little floor under my toys. :) Or call CPS because my kids are pulling each others hair out and screaming at each other in the living room as I try to exit them out the front door. Hmmmm. . . challengeing is putting it lightly I think.
Scheduling is going to be a challenge, since Dan's schedule is up in the air at times due to unpredictable overtime. I'll just have to schedule each appointment with the attitude, "Lord willing"!
Keeping the house picked up and in decent order for clients will be a challenge. I just need to be on my kids about putting their things away, and if all else fails
Keeping the kids in check will be necessary when scheduling conflicts with their schedules, which won't really be a problem until school gets out in June.
Keeping my bathroom counters decluttered and all my unecessaties out of sight will be a challenge. I just have to learn to pick up after myself I suppose. Darn-it!
Advertising won't be a challenge as I won't be doing any. My plan is to really just work for friends right now. That's not a challenge at all! I love my friends, and I love blessing them!
My own desire for social activity will be a challenge. I tend to spend my days sulking in my pajamas when I have no place to go. That was very common the first 2 weeks after my Dr. visit. This last week was much better when my friend came over Monday and then picked my up on Thursday for a day out of the house. I mostly sat in the car while she ran some errands but it was heavenly to be out of the house and having the most meaningful, meaningless conversations with someone. I believe that was an oxymoron, but it's so true that just spending time with a friend, chatting away about nothing and everything and you can't remember much about what was said, just that it fed your hunger for relationship. Then Friday I spent the day with Dan grocery shopping and store browsing and I was so happy to just be out! It was great!
With all the challenges that come my way through this new exciting experience of working from home there will be blessings. I am looking for them and I am expecting them! Thank you God for this opportunity and thank you for my wonderful husband who does not complain about all the extra stuff he has to do now. He really is amazing!

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