Lessons Learned
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Day 1 of Week 4
1. There are nice truck drivers out there. Well my dad used to be a truck driver and he is a nice guy, and my Father-in Law is a truck driver now and he's a pretty nice guy too. What I mean though is, on my 35 minute commute there are some pretty nice guys out there driving truck. All those big rigs on the road don't just want to run the little cars over. Many of them are nice enough to let my little speed demon blue Jetta right on by at the stop lights with the merge lanes. They are so stinking nice that they will sit there and let a few cars go. It's great to know that not every truck on the road is hoping you will not pass him and have to suck his exhaust all the way to your exit!
2. It takes an average of 37 minutes to get to school. Not bad, but I leave the house at 8:30. With getting in the car, and out I get clocked in by 9:30 with just a few minutes to spare.Now why is that? Hmmmm. . . . . could it be my luggage I have to drag to and fro every single day, along with my backpack of books and supplies and everything I might need just in case (i.e. 5 pairs of disposable contacts, for "just in case") and my lunch bag, and my clean towels bag and my soiled towels bag? No it couldn't be that! Could it???? :s All I know is my biceps will be rock hard before I finish school!
3. Bikini waxing is quite modest. We watched a demo today that was very interesting and although the model was worried things were showing that shouldn't be showing, I thought things were rather modest considering it was the bikini area. Our model was just concerned because everyone was watching, it probably didn't help that when the teacher slathered on the green wax for the first time we all leaned over the edges of the table to get a closer look. Poor girl! Nothing like 7 people leaning into your personal business to get a closer look! We were all thankful for her offer to be the demo. Most thankful though that none of us were asked to do it! I do need practice doing it though so if anyone is game, let me know! I PROMISE I will NOT discuss any of my dealings with clients, ever, for any reason. That is unprofessional and totally wrong. So if you need some maintenance in the nether regions (women only please! I am a married woman with high prudish morals, and would prefer to not have to explain to you why I won't, can't and most certainly shouldn't be doing that for you!)
4. Study buddies are great, and I just want to say thanks Kate for helping me study! It was fun and sooooo beneficial!
Labels: beauty school, esthetician, Jetta, skin care, studying, waxing

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