Lessons Learned
Monday, June 8, 2009
Manic Mom-day - The Reprise!
6:35 - Reluctantly drag myself out of bed even though the alarm has only been snoozed once. I feel like a better person now. (Note the dripping sarcasm?)
6:36 - Emerge from bedroom to see if all the kids are up who need to be up and see sad looking 10 year old boy (Lorenzo) on the landing. He says he's sick. Mom brain says 2 things here. Poor baby, and yeah right you just want your lazy day on the couch like everyone else got last week.
Thus began my Manic Mom-day.
I got Lorenzo settled on the couch still not quite sure if he was sick or not (I will regret this later, not the settling, the "still not quite sure"). Hubby gets home from work, kisses for the hubby and he's off to bed. Get the other 2 school kids off to the bus (after frantically getting all the things together for water play at school for Anabelle and making sure she had her sunglasses and oh yeah, can't forget the sunscreen, spray, spray, spray, rub, rub, rub!) lock the front door behind them, head to the kitchen for breakfast and the front door is trying to be opened, hold your horses, you're going to break the doorjamb! Whoops Anabelle forgot her sunglasses, and now she's in tears and about to miss the bus, oh yeah, Mom put them in her bag along with her headband, and bag is on her shoulder now run to the bus so I don't have to get dressed and take you!!!!
Ahhh, now relax with breakfast and a cup of Chai!
Nope not yet! Remembered the donation truck is coming today!
Run upstairs and gather the few items I can muster the strength to toss into the donation bag to set out on the curb. (I have a sad emotional attachment to clothing :( really sad!) Wait, Brittnie should have more stuff than this to get rid of in that room she has carpeted with her clothing.
Wake her up, nope she doesn't have anything else. Drat! Tell her to get up and get moving because we have to leave for Doc's house, for her to work and then get her riding lesson, in 45 minutes. But wait, "Mom, I don't feel good." Double drat! And what is that on the floor? Her glasses. Smashed. Triple drat! Good thing I was going to Sears for Lorenzo's glasses already.
Call Doc and cancel working and riding for this morning.
Text friend, "I have a couple of sick kiddos today, maybe I can stop by your house today instead of you coming here?"
Realize I need some supplies for school and to get these glasses fixed. Hmmm, remember when I said I wasn't sure if Lorenzo was really sick or not? So I tell the kids I am going to run my errands anyways. Dad's here, I will just go get some things, do the glasses and be back, I'll call if I need someone to run and get Anabelle from the bus.
Fast forward a couple of leisurly hours of shopping and getting glasses fixed with Morgan (If shopping and stuff can be leisurly with a 2 year old, which I doubt!).
Lorenzo calls: "When are you going to be home? I got sick, what do I use to clean it up?" Thankfully it's just on the bathroom counter and only a tiny bit and not on the carpet. "Oh yeah and Sam's school called, he got wet at school today and he needs a towel and a change of clothes."
Call school: "I didn't know it was water play for the whole school." "Yes it is, we sent home a note." "Sam was sick Friday, we didn't get the note from him. Sorry, can he go use his sister's towel?." What number of drat am I on now? And I still never got my breakfast and Chai Tea. :(
By this point you are probably bored with my day so I will quickly tell you, I didn't go straight home because I realized that, much to my amazement, I was about to pull another forgotten birthday because Brittnie's is tomorrow and I still had not got her ANYTHING. Tons of ideas but no fruit for all my great ideas. So I spent the next hour regretting having left Lorenzo sick, but knowing I wouldn't have another chance to shop for Brittnie. Talk about pulled in two directions. *Sigh* What's amom to do there? I came home (Friend texted on the way: "Maybe next week." and Lorenzo went upstairs to sleep for a couple of hours. Poor guy! He didn't get sick again but he sure was miserable today.
So my day was long, but I got to 9 o'clock and thought, bedtime sounds like a great idea! So I headed upstairs feeling almost giddy that I, tired mother of 5, was going to get at least 9 hours of sleep in one fell swoop! But this tiny thought rumbled in my head: "You have forgotten something. Something important." Want to guess what it was?
Brittnie's cake!!!! So here I sit, an hour and a half later waiting for cake layers to cool so I can freeze them and go to bed! I guess I will settle for 7 1/2 hours of sleep. *Sigh*

Okay, your world sounded like mine! Hating the alarm clock. Dragging self and kids out of bed. Wondering "Is Cam REALLY sick or should I force this crying little guy to head to school? Trust my instinct!" Husband works nights, he'd always pass in the mornings as I was heading out. I was jealous that he was climbing into bed as I was heading out the door. =0(
Ahhh, the joys of motherhood!!! =0)
I can definitely RELATE!
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