Lessons Learned
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Week 3 Synopsis - With Pictures!!!
Tuesday -
It was Brittnie's 13th Birthday. Since I had procrastinated Monday on making the cake I ended up having to decorate it Tuesday Morning before I left for school. Here's the finished product!!!
As for the rest of my day I can't remember much except we learned about eyebrow waxing and I spent the whole time wishing someone would do my redwood tree bark looking legs. While some people (mostly loggers and hippies) prefer this look and feel for a woman's legs I do not and really could deal with the eyebrows for another day or two, if someone would just do my legs again! I had them done last Friday after my brows and my tough little redwood tree bark didn't want to submit to being ripped out at the roots, so only about half of it came off. Which would have been fine had it not been every other hair and just, oh let's say, just the front. See, if it had been just the front then I could have at least worn a skirt to church. Not too many people check out my backside at church, and if they are they deserve an eye full of tree bark!
After school I came home and we had dinner and got presents together for Brittnie for her birthday. This is where my bonehead move of the day comes in. I had to get Brittnie's big present out of the car, which I had left in there from Monday because I didn't want her to see it. It was a Boom Pod for her room. A chair that you can hook up to your cd player or MP3 player and listen to music from it. Anyway I go to the car unlock the trunk with the button, didn't have a place to set the keys and no pockets in my clothes, so I set them in the trunk telling myself I needed to get them out before I shut the trunk.
I didn't.
I called AAA.
It took them 30 minutes to get there.
I was just glad I had gotten the present and we were able to continue with the party since it was already nearly 8 o'clock.

Is a complete blur so I have no idea what to tell you! Sorry, hopefully I can do better next week at getting on here every evening.
Oh wait! I remember now! LOL Anabelle was graduating from Kindergarten that morning at 9:00! In order to go I was going to be late to school so the school registrar said I needed proof that I was going to be at that event and not just sleeping in. So I got to Anabelle's school and went into the office and when I opened my mouth I suddenly felt like a little kid asking for a tardy slip. Here's what I said: "Miss Twila, I'm going to be late to school today because I wanted to come for Anabelle's graduation. Can you write me a note?" The secretary laughed, but she wrote me a formal note on school letterhead! I was only an hour and 15 minutes late, so I will have to make up that time somehow in order to graduate. (The State of California requires 600 hours of instruction in order to qualify for a license in Esthetics, thus no sleeping in for me!)
Thursday -
First day of make-up!
After a morning of writing notes on Skin Physiology, and doing review to prepare for the test Friday (and much groveling to the teacher to get her to postpone the test to Tuesday, with no luck) we started our afternoon with State Board make-up drills. These are practice runs for how we will do our State Board exam when we go to get out license. Very good basics for how to do makeup but not really the way we will do it in the real world. This picture is my mannequin after I was done with her. In real life we would use more colors and the lipstick would actually match but it was a great launchpad for this newbie make-up artist!
Friday -
Is freshest in my memory because it was just yesterday! LOL!
I headed out the door a half hour ealry so I could get to school and study. The whole way there I kept thinking I wanted to do something for my class. Something special. Something so they would feel special. So I swung into Safeway and got a dozen doughnuts for the while class! I knew we had a test forst thing int he morning and we would all be stressed out (at least everyone else would be, Jesus has my back so no serious stress here! Okay, so after initial stress freakout I remember that I am doing it all for Him and I can move forward!). SO I told everyone about the doughnouts and that we would have them at our first break. Test went great for me, I got a 96% then we headed off to the cafe to stuff our faces with fattening doughnuts. Everyone loved and began calling me the class mom!
Back in class I was going over my test and noticed one of my answers I got wrong, was actually right. So I pointed it out to my teacher and she gave me the point! My 96% became a 97%!!!! Hurray for me! We finished out the morning with a lecture on Skin Diseases and Disorders.
After lunch we completed our Skin Diseases and Disorders then watched Neil do a demo on how to do make-up for an East Indian Wedding. This where I learned a huge lesson. Apparently in the real world sanitation goes out the window. Double dipping (using an implement, in this case make-up brushes and retreiving product from a container, in this case makeup, applying to client and then retreiving more product from the same container, thus contaminating the product in the container) is normal and disgusting in my book. Make-up artists believe it is possible to sanitize make-up, which may be so, however in the School world, and the State Board world you need to maintain the highest standards of sanity, I mean sanitation. Thus a misunderstanding ensued when the demo was supposed to be real world and the teacher wanted real world but using your sanitation techniques.
Example: Using makeup brushes and makeup on a client. Real world says: Use your makeup on your client and disinfect it later. State Board: The only way for make-up to remain uncontaminated is for you to scrape the product (i.e. eyeshadow) into a clean sanitary dish and dip your brushes there only and not in to the actual makeup itself if you have touched your client with that brush.
After protocol for sanitation was established (I actually left the room because I couldn't stand the tension) the demo resumed and it was a great learning time. The picture here is our model after and below is before. I apologize for the bad before picture. I didn't get close enough to her and ended up having to crop the picture and make it a little bigger so you could see it.
Labels: AAA, beauty school, Birthday, East Indian Wedding, esthetician, keys, Kindergarten, skin care, waxing

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