Lessons Learned
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Portion Cups: Good for salsa, bad for facials
I hate portion cups.
Not really.
Just when someone (not sure who) requires us to use them for our state board facial simulations.
Whoever you are, this is for you.
Do you really want me, butter fingers, to use tiny little 2 oz. portion cups for our timed drills? If so, I hope you are also the janitor, because I have no doubt that with my lack of dexterity there will be quite the mess of lotion, yellow tinted water (to simulate toner) and baby oil on the floor and I am not cleaning it up. Why, you ask? Because it is nonsense to expect one to hold those stupid little plastic cups in one hand, remove the lid, hold said lid in said hand, and remove product with the other hand without making a complete mess of things. Especially me. Granted, it works fine when your hands are clean but once the lotion goes on, the cups start flying. Seriously, someone could get hurt. If not by flying portion cups, then by flying me when the cup flies out of my hand and lotion, or oil hits the floor and my half blind self steps in it and I go flying. I can see it happening. Not to mention the retardedness of attempting to pour a tiny amount of water from a little plastic portion cup with an opening the size of Manhatten, while holding the lid in the same hand and a tiny cotton round in the other, and not spilling it on the floor. I know me, and I know that is nearly impossible to do this without it spilling on the floor. Therefore I choose to use pop-tops. Yep, 4 ounce bottles with a pop-top, filled to the top and not a bit comes out that I don't want to come out. It's pretty cool actually. And even better, pop-tops is what we will be using for our state board exams. I wonder what genius thought of that?

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