Lessons Learned

Monday, June 22, 2009

Manic Mom-day - Sing it with me!!

Last night my son Lorenzo (10) had a friend spend the night, while Samuel (8) spent the night at that friends house with his little brother. (Confused yet? I am!) Anyway, we got home from church about 9:00 and the boys began playing the Wii. By 10 lorenzo konked out, stone cold sleeping on the couch, while his buddy just kept right on playing. About 11 I decided I was too tired to think any more so I set a timer in the kitchen for 11:30 and told Lorenzo's friend he could shut the game off when the timer went off. I still don't know wether he did or not because when I got up at 7;30 he was still sitting in the same place playing the same game. Either he got up early and started playing again or he never went to sleep. I don't know, but I hope if he did stay up, his mom doesn't find out ;)!

We got up early to head out the door so Brittnie could go for her work to ride lesson; then we were going to my friend's house for me to get some girl time over lunch. I got together evcerything we needed for lunch and I handed both bags to Lorenzo and said, "Put this in the car." That's pretty specific. Apparently though in 10 year old terms, "Put this in the car", can, and will be understood as, "Take this somewhere. I don't know where, just somewhere other than here, and make sure where you put it makes no sense to me, whatsoever." Needless to say we had to cut the girl time short because we didn't have a lunch. *Sigh*

While we were waiting for Brittnie's lesson to be done the boys picked some lemons, and I told them we could make some lemonade. When we got to my friend's house, we did just that. It was great! Here's the recipe I used:

1 C. Sugar
1 C. Water

Bring to boil on the stove to make a simple syrup.

1 C. Lemon Juice
6 C. Water

Mix simple syrup, Lemon Juice and water in large pitcher. Add ice and Enjoy!

So after a nice morning out we came home ate a quick lunch and the kids and I headed to nap time. What a beautiful thing to be able to take a nap in the middle of the day! I have missed that!

Dan headed to work about 4:30 and I sat down with my books to get ready for my test tomorrow on makeup. How hard can that be right? Well I knew that on Friday we were supposed to finish up our notes and we all wanted to do makeup, so the teacher flew through the notes while we played with our makeup. So when I sat down to study I looked at my study guide to see how much I needed to finish in the way of notes. It was 12 pages. That's right. 12 pages of notes on makeup. Face shapes and the way to contour them to make them appear more flattering, and eye shapes and how to apply the shadow to enhance the different eyes, then lip shapes and how to correct the lip line, and then foundation, concealer, eyeshadow, eyeliner, eyebrow color, and every other type of makeup you have heard of. Yeah 12 pages. I sat there until 11:30 typing notes. Not exactly the way I wanted my evening to go. I didn't even study. I just took notes.


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posted by Amanda at 9:22 PM 0 comments

Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday, Day 4 Week 4

Makeup!!!! All day, we did nothing but creative makeup design. Here are some pics from the day. Thanks Kate for being the photog for the day, since my phone was dead! Remember these makeup designs are creative, not regular day time or evening makeup.

Here we have my Suoper Heroine look. She's sporting red, gold and blue shadow with blue eyeliner and red contouring to give her a heart shape. The lips are pointy at the top and bright red.

This look is quite the fantasy makeup route. Shimmery light blue shadow with black scrolling eyeliner all covered in shimmerry glitter, on the other side it scrolled down. The lips are high gloss with glitter applied on top.

This is Charlize Theron (I think) as Twiggy:

Here's me trying to duplicate the look on my Bella:
Here is my Bella, Finished (almost, looks like the lips aren't done yet). In the book the flower was done with a cream shadow which I only had powder. The look was somewhat different because of that.
And then duplicated again on a live model, my classmate Teri!

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posted by Amanda at 9:21 PM 0 comments

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Week 4 Day 3 Thursday

Airbrush Tanning Lessons

1. Watch the video. Repeatedly. I didn't get to. We watched it once. Apparently that's enough????

2. Pick your partner. Early on. Enough said.

3. It takes awhile to get supplies at the dispensary. Something I will have to get used to. If you have ever driven in front of me on a 2 lane road with no passing and you happen to not be going the speed limit, then you probably know I am not a patient person, and waiting is not my specialty. This is probably why God orchestrates my grocery shopping day so that I ALWAYS end up in the long line. Even if there is one person in front of me and 10 in the next lane, my lane is always the longest. You are jealous of my gift aren't you? Well if standing in the longest line at the grocery store is one of your favorite pass-times, then you are welcome to stand behind me.

4. They will give you slippers to wear for your airbrush tanning. Don't wear them. You will have tanned toes and ankles but not the tops of your feet, and the lines are very obvious until you take a cheap, rough, wash rag and exfoliate aggressively to either a.) fade the tan lines, or b.) take your first 2 layers of skin off. Whichever comes first.

5 They will give you a disposable bra to wear. It is not supportive so wear your own with the disposable over it; unless you want to go sans bra, then well, be my guest, I promise not to take pictures and post them on my blog, bra or not ;).

6. Don't be worried about the inside of your arms not getting tanned, thus forcing you to turn the inside of your arms toward the sprayer. This will result in tanned inside of the arms and untanned outside of the arms. And the line will be just as obvious as above with the feet and you WILL exfoliate just as aggressively!

7. It was definitely a learning experience. But I am far from comfortable doing it. My partner and I did okay. I missed the inside of her legs, and my arms were a little blotchy and my mid section not as dark as the rest of me. I am praying that I get more training before I have to do this for someone other than a classmate.

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posted by Amanda at 8:32 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 2 Week 4

1. "I'm alive, I'm alive, that's what I said! I'm alive, I'm alive and I'm gonna live that way!" And I couldn't have been anymore alive listening to Superchick on the way to school this morning. Superchick, TobyMac! My commute is bumpin'! Oh yeah! Any suggestions for good wake me up music for in the morning?

2. Homerooms are a little awkward. So the idea is that every student in the school comes to homeroom and we all hear announcements pertaining to our education at the school so no one person has to make the same announcement numerous times. Which would be great except there are less than 30 Esthetics students and the other 120 people are Cosmetology students. NO biggie except (I feel so Jr. High-ish saying this!) they don't seem to like us that much. We get glares and stare downs and "You are in my seat, you need to move." (Even though the person brought their own seat in from the hallway, go figure that one out!) They don't talk to us, won't acknowledge us. It's weird. And today the announcements were mostly general with some specifically for Cosmetology. Nothing for us. My class of 8 just sat there wishing we were back in class so we could study for our test in peace and quiet. Whatever.

3. Study buddies aren't just great, they are awesome, and essential especially when you get a 100% on your test! The test was on Skin Diseases and Disorders. You try remembering the difference between hyperhidrosis and bromidrosis, and what is a fungal infection that is found on the legs and arms characterized by red rash and itching? Did you know there are 4 Grades of Acne? Which one is considered mild? 1, 2, 3, or 4? How is a papule different than a pustule? And what is a highly contagious viral infection that forms blister-like clusters? Which topical acne treatment produces oxygen and promotes drying and exfoliation? Yeah, now you know why my head was spinning.

4. I bet you want to know the answers to those questions! Don't you? If not, then skip to number 5! Hyperhidrosis is a sudoriferous gland disorder characterized by excessive perspiration caused by excessive heat or general body weakness. Bromidrosis is also a sudoriferous gland (or sweat gland) disorder characterized by a foul-smelling perspiration caused by a mixture of sweat and bacteria. The fungal infection is called Tinea Corporis, not to be confused with Tinea which is a fungal disease also known as ringworm. But don't confuse it with Tinea Versicolor either, which is a condition caused by yeast that leaves hypopigmented (lack of pigment) spots on your skin. Acne is labeled from Mild to Severe and the scale progresses from 1 to 4, 1 being Mild. Papule is a pimple that has no buildup of pus in it, where a pustule has pus and is a papule progressed. Highly contagious viral infection is Herpes Simplex, and the topical acne treatment is Benzoyl Peroxide.

5. Makeup is fun! Here is the makeup I did today for a girl in class.

6. My life is full right now, and very exhausting but I am loving every minute of it! Thank you God for such and amazing life right now!

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posted by Amanda at 10:33 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Day 1 of Week 4

Lessons Learned

1. There are nice truck drivers out there. Well my dad used to be a truck driver and he is a nice guy, and my Father-in Law is a truck driver now and he's a pretty nice guy too. What I mean though is, on my 35 minute commute there are some pretty nice guys out there driving truck. All those big rigs on the road don't just want to run the little cars over. Many of them are nice enough to let my little speed demon blue Jetta right on by at the stop lights with the merge lanes. They are so stinking nice that they will sit there and let a few cars go. It's great to know that not every truck on the road is hoping you will not pass him and have to suck his exhaust all the way to your exit!

2. It takes an average of 37 minutes to get to school. Not bad, but I leave the house at 8:30. With getting in the car, and out I get clocked in by 9:30 with just a few minutes to spare.Now why is that? Hmmmm. . . . . could it be my luggage I have to drag to and fro every single day, along with my backpack of books and supplies and everything I might need just in case (i.e. 5 pairs of disposable contacts, for "just in case") and my lunch bag, and my clean towels bag and my soiled towels bag? No it couldn't be that! Could it???? :s All I know is my biceps will be rock hard before I finish school!

3. Bikini waxing is quite modest. We watched a demo today that was very interesting and although the model was worried things were showing that shouldn't be showing, I thought things were rather modest considering it was the bikini area. Our model was just concerned because everyone was watching, it probably didn't help that when the teacher slathered on the green wax for the first time we all leaned over the edges of the table to get a closer look. Poor girl! Nothing like 7 people leaning into your personal business to get a closer look! We were all thankful for her offer to be the demo. Most thankful though that none of us were asked to do it! I do need practice doing it though so if anyone is game, let me know! I PROMISE I will NOT discuss any of my dealings with clients, ever, for any reason. That is unprofessional and totally wrong. So if you need some maintenance in the nether regions (women only please! I am a married woman with high prudish morals, and would prefer to not have to explain to you why I won't, can't and most certainly shouldn't be doing that for you!)

4. Study buddies are great, and I just want to say thanks Kate for helping me study! It was fun and sooooo beneficial!

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posted by Amanda at 10:14 PM 0 comments

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Week 3 Synopsis - With Pictures!!!

So my week was hectic! How was yours? It seems I had no down time at all; which equals no blogging time at all. So here's a synopsis of my week!

Tuesday -

It was Brittnie's 13th Birthday. Since I had procrastinated Monday on making the cake I ended up having to decorate it Tuesday Morning before I left for school. Here's the finished product!!!

As for the rest of my day I can't remember much except we learned about eyebrow waxing and I spent the whole time wishing someone would do my redwood tree bark looking legs. While some people (mostly loggers and hippies) prefer this look and feel for a woman's legs I do not and really could deal with the eyebrows for another day or two, if someone would just do my legs again! I had them done last Friday after my brows and my tough little redwood tree bark didn't want to submit to being ripped out at the roots, so only about half of it came off. Which would have been fine had it not been every other hair and just, oh let's say, just the front. See, if it had been just the front then I could have at least worn a skirt to church. Not too many people check out my backside at church, and if they are they deserve an eye full of tree bark!

After school I came home and we had dinner and got presents together for Brittnie for her birthday. This is where my bonehead move of the day comes in. I had to get Brittnie's big present out of the car, which I had left in there from Monday because I didn't want her to see it. It was a Boom Pod for her room. A chair that you can hook up to your cd player or MP3 player and listen to music from it. Anyway I go to the car unlock the trunk with the button, didn't have a place to set the keys and no pockets in my clothes, so I set them in the trunk telling myself I needed to get them out before I shut the trunk.

I didn't.

I called AAA.

It took them 30 minutes to get there.

I was just glad I had gotten the present and we were able to continue with the party since it was already nearly 8 o'clock.

Wednesday -

Is a complete blur so I have no idea what to tell you! Sorry, hopefully I can do better next week at getting on here every evening.

Oh wait! I remember now! LOL Anabelle was graduating from Kindergarten that morning at 9:00! In order to go I was going to be late to school so the school registrar said I needed proof that I was going to be at that event and not just sleeping in. So I got to Anabelle's school and went into the office and when I opened my mouth I suddenly felt like a little kid asking for a tardy slip. Here's what I said: "Miss Twila, I'm going to be late to school today because I wanted to come for Anabelle's graduation. Can you write me a note?" The secretary laughed, but she wrote me a formal note on school letterhead! I was only an hour and 15 minutes late, so I will have to make up that time somehow in order to graduate. (The State of California requires 600 hours of instruction in order to qualify for a license in Esthetics, thus no sleeping in for me!)

Thursday -

First day of make-up!

After a morning of writing notes on Skin Physiology, and doing review to prepare for the test Friday (and much groveling to the teacher to get her to postpone the test to Tuesday, with no luck) we started our afternoon with State Board make-up drills. These are practice runs for how we will do our State Board exam when we go to get out license. Very good basics for how to do makeup but not really the way we will do it in the real world. This picture is my mannequin after I was done with her. In real life we would use more colors and the lipstick would actually match but it was a great launchpad for this newbie make-up artist!

Friday -

Is freshest in my memory because it was just yesterday! LOL!

I headed out the door a half hour ealry so I could get to school and study. The whole way there I kept thinking I wanted to do something for my class. Something special. Something so they would feel special. So I swung into Safeway and got a dozen doughnuts for the while class! I knew we had a test forst thing int he morning and we would all be stressed out (at least everyone else would be, Jesus has my back so no serious stress here! Okay, so after initial stress freakout I remember that I am doing it all for Him and I can move forward!). SO I told everyone about the doughnouts and that we would have them at our first break. Test went great for me, I got a 96% then we headed off to the cafe to stuff our faces with fattening doughnuts. Everyone loved and began calling me the class mom!

Back in class I was going over my test and noticed one of my answers I got wrong, was actually right. So I pointed it out to my teacher and she gave me the point! My 96% became a 97%!!!! Hurray for me! We finished out the morning with a lecture on Skin Diseases and Disorders.

After lunch we completed our Skin Diseases and Disorders then watched Neil do a demo on how to do make-up for an East Indian Wedding. This where I learned a huge lesson. Apparently in the real world sanitation goes out the window. Double dipping (using an implement, in this case make-up brushes and retreiving product from a container, in this case makeup, applying to client and then retreiving more product from the same container, thus contaminating the product in the container) is normal and disgusting in my book. Make-up artists believe it is possible to sanitize make-up, which may be so, however in the School world, and the State Board world you need to maintain the highest standards of sanity, I mean sanitation. Thus a misunderstanding ensued when the demo was supposed to be real world and the teacher wanted real world but using your sanitation techniques.

Example: Using makeup brushes and makeup on a client. Real world says: Use your makeup on your client and disinfect it later. State Board: The only way for make-up to remain uncontaminated is for you to scrape the product (i.e. eyeshadow) into a clean sanitary dish and dip your brushes there only and not in to the actual makeup itself if you have touched your client with that brush.

After protocol for sanitation was established (I actually left the room because I couldn't stand the tension) the demo resumed and it was a great learning time. The picture here is our model after and below is before. I apologize for the bad before picture. I didn't get close enough to her and ended up having to crop the picture and make it a little bigger so you could see it.

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posted by Amanda at 5:10 PM 1 comments

Monday, June 8, 2009

Manic Mom-day - The Reprise!

6:30 - Alarm on my phone goes off. Put it on vibrate so I don't throw it across the room when it goes off again in 5 minutes.

6:35 - Reluctantly drag myself out of bed even though the alarm has only been snoozed once. I feel like a better person now. (Note the dripping sarcasm?)

6:36 - Emerge from bedroom to see if all the kids are up who need to be up and see sad looking 10 year old boy (Lorenzo) on the landing. He says he's sick. Mom brain says 2 things here. Poor baby, and yeah right you just want your lazy day on the couch like everyone else got last week.

Thus began my Manic Mom-day.

I got Lorenzo settled on the couch still not quite sure if he was sick or not (I will regret this later, not the settling, the "still not quite sure"). Hubby gets home from work, kisses for the hubby and he's off to bed. Get the other 2 school kids off to the bus (after frantically getting all the things together for water play at school for Anabelle and making sure she had her sunglasses and oh yeah, can't forget the sunscreen, spray, spray, spray, rub, rub, rub!) lock the front door behind them, head to the kitchen for breakfast and the front door is trying to be opened, hold your horses, you're going to break the doorjamb! Whoops Anabelle forgot her sunglasses, and now she's in tears and about to miss the bus, oh yeah, Mom put them in her bag along with her headband, and bag is on her shoulder now run to the bus so I don't have to get dressed and take you!!!!

Ahhh, now relax with breakfast and a cup of Chai!

Nope not yet! Remembered the donation truck is coming today!

Run upstairs and gather the few items I can muster the strength to toss into the donation bag to set out on the curb. (I have a sad emotional attachment to clothing :( really sad!) Wait, Brittnie should have more stuff than this to get rid of in that room she has carpeted with her clothing.

Wake her up, nope she doesn't have anything else. Drat! Tell her to get up and get moving because we have to leave for Doc's house, for her to work and then get her riding lesson, in 45 minutes. But wait, "Mom, I don't feel good." Double drat! And what is that on the floor? Her glasses. Smashed. Triple drat! Good thing I was going to Sears for Lorenzo's glasses already.

Call Doc and cancel working and riding for this morning.

Text friend, "I have a couple of sick kiddos today, maybe I can stop by your house today instead of you coming here?"

Realize I need some supplies for school and to get these glasses fixed. Hmmm, remember when I said I wasn't sure if Lorenzo was really sick or not? So I tell the kids I am going to run my errands anyways. Dad's here, I will just go get some things, do the glasses and be back, I'll call if I need someone to run and get Anabelle from the bus.

Fast forward a couple of leisurly hours of shopping and getting glasses fixed with Morgan (If shopping and stuff can be leisurly with a 2 year old, which I doubt!).

Lorenzo calls: "When are you going to be home? I got sick, what do I use to clean it up?" Thankfully it's just on the bathroom counter and only a tiny bit and not on the carpet. "Oh yeah and Sam's school called, he got wet at school today and he needs a towel and a change of clothes."

Call school: "I didn't know it was water play for the whole school." "Yes it is, we sent home a note." "Sam was sick Friday, we didn't get the note from him. Sorry, can he go use his sister's towel?." What number of drat am I on now? And I still never got my breakfast and Chai Tea. :(

By this point you are probably bored with my day so I will quickly tell you, I didn't go straight home because I realized that, much to my amazement, I was about to pull another forgotten birthday because Brittnie's is tomorrow and I still had not got her ANYTHING. Tons of ideas but no fruit for all my great ideas. So I spent the next hour regretting having left Lorenzo sick, but knowing I wouldn't have another chance to shop for Brittnie. Talk about pulled in two directions. *Sigh* What's amom to do there? I came home (Friend texted on the way: "Maybe next week." and Lorenzo went upstairs to sleep for a couple of hours. Poor guy! He didn't get sick again but he sure was miserable today.

So my day was long, but I got to 9 o'clock and thought, bedtime sounds like a great idea! So I headed upstairs feeling almost giddy that I, tired mother of 5, was going to get at least 9 hours of sleep in one fell swoop! But this tiny thought rumbled in my head: "You have forgotten something. Something important." Want to guess what it was?

Brittnie's cake!!!! So here I sit, an hour and a half later waiting for cake layers to cool so I can freeze them and go to bed! I guess I will settle for 7 1/2 hours of sleep. *Sigh*
posted by Amanda at 10:03 PM 1 comments

Friday, June 5, 2009

Fast Facts Friday, Week 2 (18 more to go!)

Fact: Tests are stressful.

Fact: Good Grades make you feel great! (I said this yesterday, but I had to say it again!)

Fact: Justice will prevail when you are honest and have a darn good reason for requesting it.(We all got the wrong answer on a problem and I was able to argue our side as to why we could not have possibly known that answer. The teacher gave us all the point.)

Fact: Packing a lunch can be a chore.

Fact: Eating lunch is fun.

Fact: Buying lunch in the school cafe every day would be expensive.

Fact: Since eating lunch is fun, and buying it is expensive, packing a lunch is necessary. :(

Fact: Sometimes life hits you hard all at once. You really just have to keep going. (Like the kids getting sick one by one coupled with lack of sleep. Yuck!)

Fact: I cried at school today.

Fact: Underarm waxing hurts when it is not done correctly.

Fact: I cried because my underarm waxing was not done correctly (IMHO).

Fact: I had 5 babies, all naturally, I never cried from the pain.

Fact: I have been tattoed 7 times, I never cried from the pain.

Fact: I had my underarms waxed today and after the first strip, I cried from the pain.

Fact: Like a baby.

Fact: It was sad.

Fact: Everyone felt sorry for me.

Fact: After they laughed at me!

Fact: Beauty hurts. Ladies if you go through these rituals to make life easier, fine, but if you are doing it to look good, forget it! It's not worth that! And men, if your wife does these crazy things to look better for you give her a free pass. Tell her it doesn't matter to you. Except I really think (remember I am the hair removal genius now) it should have been done differently and it would not have hurt nearly that bad so honestly, if you can take it do it! It hurt at first, but it's fine now!

Fact: I am really enjoying my classes. I got to do an underarm wax on another girl and she didn't cry! And I got my legs waxed today. Not as smooth as I want but that is because my hairs weren't really long enough. Wait the full 2 weeks like recommended if you plan to get a wax. It had only been a week for me. So I will get it again in another 2 weeks. In the mean time be on the lookout for my wild and crazy hairs sticking out!

Fact: I am going to bed now! Goodnight!
posted by Amanda at 10:31 PM 1 comments

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thursday, Week 2 Day 3

Another restless night. I will get sleep again, won't I?

1. It feels good to do good on a test! I got a 96 on my test! I was so happy! The subject was Hair Removal. You are thinking, "How could that be tough?" Well there was 100 questions and it was tough! Questions about hair removal methods such as: threading, sugaring, electrolysis, and lasering. I am now a hair removal genius!

2. Time to put my knowledge to practice! And boy did I ever get practice. Imagine old ethel from down the street. It's her birthday and her hubs thought he'd get her a mighty fine gift. He got her the gift of hair removal. A full leg wax from you! Yay Ethel! Not so yay you. Well Ethel didn't really get a free leg wax from her hubs, and I didn't get to wax Ethel, but I sure pretended it was Ethel when I was waxing the legs of a rather large man who has never waxed his legs before. He is my classmate and because he is quite the smart guy he did me (himself) the favor of trimming the hairs on his legs last night. Thanks guy, I bet you're thanking yourself too! Anywho, long story short I know that after that, I can wax ANYBODY. Seriously!

3. Sunflower seeds keep you awake! 35 minutes seems like forever when you are tired and driving home. I made it though.
posted by Amanda at 10:20 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Lessons from Waxing Wednesday

See yesterday's post for lack of humor disclosure:P! Also note, that I am not editing for grammar or spelling because I am way too tired! So please be nice!

1. Kids are precious and it's sad when they are sick. Morgan (2) was sick last night. Poor baby! She couldn't keep anything down and I was so sad to see her feeling that way. Gave me a little glimpse of how God saw me yesterday morning. Sick and in need of him to hold me and make me feel better. I'm sad my baby was sick, but revel in the love of my God.

2. People like me! Either that or they see my loud mouth personality as beneficial, or they don't really feel like being the opinionated one. Whatever the reason they nominated me to be on the student council. The goal of student council is to give the staff input about what the students are feeling and thinking about things that happen at the school. It's not really a gripe session, it's more of a suggestion box, with real people. I hope on my day in the suggestion box that everyone wears deoderant because that will be some tight quarters! Seriously though I am so excited about it! I actually get to put my opinionated self to some good use!

3. Waxing hurts! But not too bad. A little sting when they first rip all your hairs out at the roots. But after you pick your self up off the floor and dig your nails out of your esthetician (me), you're good! Really! It does sting a little, but if I can learn the "happy hand" then I think I will have some happy clients. I'm not so sure my partner today was doing the happy hand. I think I more went numb from the stinging. You can see in this picture how terrible it was for me! Neil did a great job and now my arms are hair free! Neil didn't fair so well! We ran out of time to finish. I came close, but the poor guy had to head home with baby bottom feeling arms and gorilla looking hands! I'm sure he knew this would happen when he signed up!
4. Not everyone follows instructions. Thus the arm waxing. I really didn't care wether or not I ever had my arms waxed, but I haven't shaved legs or underarms since last week, per teacher instructions, in order to be prepared for leg waxing, which I am looking forward to! (You know I just signed up for this school so I could have smooth legs, be tanned, get a slimming body wrap, have clear skin, and perfect make-up right? Hee Hee Hee!) So you are probably grossed out now by my admission of hairiness! It is what it is, no pain, no gain! Anyway, we would have done legs today, but a couple girls couldn't make it a whole week without shaving so the teacher said "Well, let's do underarms then. Raise your hand if you didn't shave your underarms." I inched my little hand up because I feared poking my neighbor in the eye with my underarm hairs. Unforunately I still have hair under my arms tonight because not everyone could raise their hands. Darn it! So we went for the arms!
5. I am tired! SO I am heading for bed! Goodnight!
posted by Amanda at 9:43 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Lessons Learned Week 2 Day One

Disclaimer: I sincerely apologize that my funny bone has gone on strike since I have deprived it of sleep. Because of said strike the following blog post is lacking humor. Sorry. :(

1. Sleep is not overrated! It is highly valuable and I covet it! I know, I know, I shouldn't covet, but I was coveting sleep this morning. I stayed up late studying and then couldn't sleep. Texted my husband for an hour and finally fell asleep sometime after 2:30 a.m. I had hoped to sleep until 7:30 because my awesome, amazing, magnificent husband had offered to get the kids off to school and make me a lunch so I could sleep. To no avail, I was wide awake and feeling sick at 6:15.

2. Prayer makes a difference. I prayed and prayed on the way to school that God would help me through the day, that I would feel better so I could take my test I had studied so hard for, and that I would be able to stay awake at school. Since I felt like I had been hit by a hangover without the party I really needed something. By 10 o'clock I was feeling much better and felt nearly normal except a little tired. I was definetely praising God that I was feeling so good after feeling so horrible. (Thanks again God!! You are ever faithful!)

3. Test Stress is beyond unnecessary. Due to my stress I stayed up too late, which did nothing for me. It possibly helped my marriage because Dan and I had some great texting going on :p! Loved that! (Thanks Hon!) Anyway, I know myself well enough that I know if I took all the notes given and read the chapter and did the activities I will do fine. So you want to know how I did on the test? You'll have to wait for tomorrow. You know why? Because that's when I take the test! Yeah, it was postponed. Why? Because the teacher forgot she told us we were going to take it. Hmmmmm we didn't!!!!! My reaction to that? NOOOOOOOOO!!!! I'll forget it all by tomorrow!

4. I have an amazing husband! I can't say that enough! I don't even have to have a reason! He's amazing!

5. Wac=xinf is sticky. Especially sugar wax, which I am told we won't really be using in real life much, if at all. We use it in class because it is made of sugar and can dissolve with water where any other wax is just that, wax, and will repel water and not be fun to clean up. Until we get better at it, we will be using the sugar wax. Here is a picture of my first wax strip in class. It was fun! We were practicing state board exam procedures for eyebrow waxing. This lovely lady is My Bella, or My Beauty. She is my mannequin head that I get to practice on in class when I can't get anyone else to trust me to touch them!
posted by Amanda at 9:24 PM 0 comments

Monday, June 1, 2009

Just Another Manic Monday

Did you break out into song? Well sing along with me!

"Just another Manic Monday. (Oh yes it was!)

Wish it were Sunday. (Yesterday was pretty nice huh?)

Cuz' that's my fun day. (Church is always fun!)

My, I-don't-have-to-run day. (Okay now that's not true.)

Just another Manic Monday." (You would not believe.)

(Side Note: Don't go search for those lyrics like I just did! You will remain happy in your little world of believing 80's songs are innocent and not about sex at all, oh no, not 80's songs! Like me you only know the chorus and well it's a catchy tune so how bad can it be? Like I said, DON"T SEARCH!)

It was a Manic Monday. I started with a rush to get the kids out the door on time, didn't quite make it!, guilt induced run to WalMart, girl-time with my friend, swinging in the hammock and eating cherries with my little girls while my big girl took her riding lesson, raced home before the boys got off the bus, didn't quite make it!, made my cake-pops, top-raman for dinner (dad's at work so who cares if it's healthy or in this case even edible?), then met some new neighbors outside (not new to the neighborhood, new to me) while our kids played with water baloons and their kids in the street, got the kids ready for and in bed, now I am blogging and then I will go study for tomorrow's test, but not in my bed because that brought me to lesson number 5.

Moving on!

Here are my lessons learned for Manic Mom-day (which is what I will now call Monday, forever.)

"forever just because this is the day that never ends. . . it just goes on and on my friend. . . some people started. . . "

I'm sure in a singing mood tonight aren't I? I digress! On to the life lessons!

1. Don't ever, ever, ever, ever, ever forget your son's 8th birthday. Or any birthday for that matter. For me this morning it was especially important to remember not to forget his 8th birthday because today was Sam's 8th birthday. We had his party Saturday, did all the presents and pretty much had a whole day of birthday activities so when this morning rolled around it seemed like just another

"Manic Monday, oooooh woooo oooooh."

Sorry! Couldn't help that! Anyway my neighbor took him and Anabelle to school because they were running behind and missed the bus and she happened to see me in dire need of help because I had a two year old SCREAMING "No I want my pants off" as I was trying to put her in the car. And my neighbor was leaving anyways. Thanks Lisa! You were a God Send this morning! Anyway I came inside to start cleaning the house for my girl time with Colleen later in the morning and I was smacked right in the face by the bad mommy guilt when I realized it was his birthday and I had forgotten to tell him Happy Birthday. I ran upstairs woke up Brittnie (home schooled almost 13 yr.old) and told her to watch Morgan. And I flew to Wal-Mart bought guilt treats for Sam's whole class and a cool singing card to:

"Celebrate good times come on! Let's Celebrate and have a good time!"

Okay that's what the card was singing! Anyway when I got to the school and saw Sam it was then that he realized he had forgotten his birthday too. So guilt subsided (just a tinge! I still feel horrible) and I left knowing he knows I love him! Biggest lesson to learn here: when you have 4 siblings and a mom who just started school and your birthday falls on a Monday, you better wake up shouting fro the rooftops it's your birthday otherwise your mom will feel horribly guilty and will buy you and ALL your friends pudding cups and you'll get one of those singing cards that she always rolls her eyes at every time she see them because they are way to expensive for her to ever buy. And I begin to wonder if somehow he knew????

2. Cake-pops are fun! For more info on that visit http://bakerella.blogspot.com/2008/04/make-your-cupcakes-pop.html

I made these tonight for Sam for his birthday. They are made from 3 of the 4 food groups: cake, frosting, and chocolate. And you put them on a cute little lollipop stick. What could be better? I did not mold these in to cupcake shapes I just dipped the balls in chocolate. Still scrumptious!

3. Girl-time = good-time. For the past couple of months I have been getting together with a friend or two on Tuesday mornings. Now that school has started for me we have to switch to Monday's. It was fun! This morning we went for a walk and then had mini-bagels with cream cheese (The bagels were brown sugar with cinnamon! Yum yum!) and sipped Chai-Tea! It was a great morning with great conversation! Definitely needed in the midst of a manic Mom-day.

4. My girls are the sweetest! Here is a pic of the 2 youngest on the hammock at a friends house this afternoon.

And Brittnie today with the horse she rides:

5. Don't study in bed. Unless you are a princess and there is a pea in your bed, it is not a good idea to study in your bed. I got my book bag and headed upstairs last night; made sure all was taken care of so I didn't have to get out of bed, including jammies on and teeth brushed. Wouldn't you know it, I got all snug in to bed ready to study and I had forgotten my books downstairs. I had the bag, but no books. (Please don't ask me how I got up there with the bag and no books. There is no excuse, except I am not very observant and that is a whole other blog entirely :D) I was tired and my bed so comfy that I fell asleep before I could decide if I should go all the way downstairs and get my books. Apparently this princess did not have a pea in her bed! I then went to sleep and dreamt of blogging. Hmmmmmm wonder why? Could it be that I browsed the internet all afternoon Sunday reading cool blogs? Anyway here are some of my favorites I found:

http://romephotoblog.blogspot.com/ (Anyone been to Rome? Only in my dreams!)
http://www.mycharmingkids.net/ ( A real life mom! Just like the rest of us!)
http://bakerella.blogspot.com/ (Of Course cake, frosting and chocolate!)
http://d6scotts.blogspot.com/ (First Blog I began to Follow, A real mom with a fun Blog)

one more!

http://fivemomsandablog.blogspot.com/ (5 Real Moms and they all blog, together! Fun)

Goodnight from the Manic Mom on her Manic Mom-day!

And a big Happy Birthday to my wonderful Sam!

posted by Amanda at 9:40 PM 1 comments